Pantry Locator

Are you in need of food? Times are tough right now, but help is just around the corner at no cost to you. The Blue Ridge Area Food Bank and its partner food pantries are here for you. All are welcome.

Use the tool below to find a pantry near you. Please be sure to call before visiting, as some agencies have closed or changed their hours due to COVID-19. To learn more about a specific pantry, including what to bring with you when you visit, please click on their linked website or call.

¿Necesita comida? Son tiempos difíciles, pero el banco de comida, Blue Ridge Area Food Bank, y sus despensas y almacenes de alimentos asociados están aquí para usted. Todos son bienvenidos.

Utilice este instrumento para buscar una agencia cerca de usted. (Es posible que algunos sitios estén cerrados o que hayan cambiado sus horas debido a COVID-19.) Para aprender más sobre una agencia, como lo que es necesario llevar cuando visite, haga clic en el sitio web vinculado.

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Agency List
Enter an address or zip code and click the find locations button.