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The Dillwyn Mobile Food Pantry scheduled for February 14 has been canceled due to inclement weather. All branches of the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank will be closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of the Presidents’ Day holiday. If you need access to food, please call 211 or visit our FoodFinder to find free groceries near you.

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Healthy Pantry Initiative

A health-focused, neighbor-centered transformation of Virginia’s pantry network


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Join our growing movement!

Virginia’s food banks and their networks of nearly 1,000 pantry partners are committed to not just providing food but also promoting health for the neighbors they serve every day. The Healthy Pantry Initiative is a statewide movement guiding all interested pantries to implement more health-focused practices. Want to learn more and perhaps join our growing movement?

For a comprehensive overview of what the Healthy Pantry Initiative aims to achieve, see the following PDF: Healthy Pantry Initiative

Read the Overview
How to become a Healthy Pantry Partner

In the first year (2023), 67% of pantries opted into the movement and that number continues to grow.

If you are interested in joining this growing movement that is impacting the entire state of Virginia, we’d like to hear from you!
You can become a Healthy Pantry Partner, by taking any of these steps:

    • Complete the annual assessment and opt in at that time
    • During a monitoring visit
    • Discuss with you Partner Engagement Manager

If you have any questions, please reach out to Kara Snapp, Manager of Health Initiatives at the Food Bank:

Download our logo!

If you’d like to download our HPI logo, you can do that here.


The Virginia Learning Center

The Healthy Pantry Initiative focuses on improving pantry services to neighbors by promoting health, listening to our community to best meet their needs and by addressing barriers to accessing foods. The Federation of Virginia Food Banks has worked with all seven food banks in Virginia, including the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank, to provide self-led learning modules where pantry staff can learn according to their own areas of interest, time and schedule.

The collaborating food banks in Virginia have identified 20 Healthy Pantry Practices (HPPs), and every practice will have its own learning module. Starting in March of this year, these training modules will be available to all partner pantries in the state.

Interested? Register today!

Learn more

The Food Bank operates many nutrition programs across the Blue Ridge. Learn more about our programs here.