Written By: Richard Alblas, Marketing and Communications Manager

Have you ever considered applying for SNAP benefits but hesitated because of rumors or uncertainty? You’re not alone. Many misconceptions swirl around the program, preventing people who could truly benefit from accessing this valuable resource. And they prevent taxpayers and policymakers from getting behind a strong SNAP program in Virginia. Let’s clear the air and explore the top six myths about the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP (previously known as Food Stamps).

What Is SNAP?

SNAP provides you with money on a card to purchase groceries at your local grocery store. If you meet the income requirements, you may qualify for SNAP. If you are 60 or older you can maximize your SNAP benefits by listing any out-of-pocket medical costs on your SNAP application, such as your Medicare health premium and your monthly prescription costs. SNAP is the largest federal nutrition assistance program of its kind.

Meet Belinda

Belinda is raising three grandkids, and without a job temporarily, she relies on SNAP and her local Boys and Girls Club to ensure her boys have access to healthy, nurturing meals. Watch the video below to learn more. 

Myth 1: SNAP is only for the unemployed

Busted! While unemployment can qualify you for SNAP, many working individuals and families with low incomes also participate. SNAP bridges the gap between household income and the cost of putting healthy food on the table.

Myth 2: SNAP recipients are lazy or cheating the system

Busted! The stereotype simply isn’t true. The majority of SNAP participants are working people, elderly individuals, or those with disabilities who are struggling financially. Strict eligibility requirements ensure the program reaches those who need it.

Myth 3: SNAP creates dependency

Busted! Research shows SNAP helps people out of poverty. The program includes work requirements for some, and many participants use SNAP temporarily while working toward a more secure financial future.

Myth 4: SNAP benefits hurt the economy

Busted! Absolutely not! Every dollar spent through SNAP generates more than a dollar in economic activity. Recipients buy groceries, supporting local businesses and farmers, which strengthens the local economy.

Myth 5: SNAP doesn’t improve health

Busted! Studies show SNAP participation leads to better health outcomes. Access to nutritious food through SNAP reduces food insecurity and improves overall dietary quality for individuals with low incomes.

Myth 6: SNAP is a lifelong program

Busted! Most SNAP participants use the program for a short time, often less than a year. It’s designed as temporary assistance while people work toward financial stability.

Ready to see if you qualify?

If you want to learn more about SNAP and see if you are eligible to receive the benefit, please contact Public Benefits Outreach Program Manager Monica Kelley: (434) 465-2535.